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No Limits Season 11 Episode 08

Published on Jul 05, 2019 No Limits Season 11

Growing Up: Adolescence is a crazy time for everyone, but those with a disability face even more questions and uncertainties as they come to terms with who they are. Carly interviews participants from the Chronic Illness Peer Support (ChIPS), and discovers how it provides a second 'family' away from home. Phin and Elvira discuss their response to a mainstream TV ad and it's portrayal of disability. Our cast also chat about their experiences growing up with a disability. There are plenty of ups and downs as we hear of rough starts, educational achievements and bullying from those you would least expect.

Hosts: Elvira Alic, Phineas Meere, Carly Findlay, Michael Uniacke, Louis Rowe, Brian Caccianiga, Kevin Boyce and Akash Temple. Guests: Matthew Potocnik, Ariane Garner-Williams, , David Robinson, ChIPS participants: Phillip, Gemma, Luke and James.

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